
The Symptoms of Asthma

Asthma is a malady that for the severely afflicted can be lethal if not properly addressed. It is especially difficult for the parent of a child with singular asthma.

Asthma symptoms can rob a child of many things that are part of being a child. Having to constantly be on guard for an asthma attack is a never ending problem for the parent of child with asthma. The problem is no less worse for an adult with asthma. An asthma attack can be fatal in the severely afflicted. Every asthma attack is cause for alarm and has to be immediately addressed and treated.

Asthma attacks have early warning signs. It is important to recognize these signs so that you can begin treatment of an attack as early as possible. The sooner you begin treatment the better the results you can expect from the treatment given. Some typical warning signs of an oncoming asthma attack are coughing with a runny nose and headache.

Other signs that can appear are moodiness and sneezing and also breathing changes can be the sign of an oncoming attack. Other signs are dark circles under the eyes, fatigue and throat and chin itches. Trouble sleeping, difficulty at physical tasks like exercise and a downward trend in peak flow number.

Asthma symptoms can be mild or severe for the singular asthma sufferer. Airflow is obstructed during an asthma attack caused by changes in the air way that channels the air to the lungs. This causes difficulty in breathing can get progressively worse and in extreme cases can result in death. Wheezing is a sign if an oncoming attack, so is coughing and tightness in the chest. Close attention has to be paid to children due to the fact that a child can sometimes have a tendency to ignore the initial symptoms during play and can delay treatment by doing so.

Severe asthma symptoms are a serious issue as a severe asthma attack can be fatal. It is absolutely imperative that the severe singular asthma sufferer have a plan in place for addressing these attacks. This plan should be designed by a medical professional and be ready to be implemented at a moments notice. The signs of a severe asthma attack are as follows. Severe coughing and wheezing with shortness of breath and tightness in the chest. A grey or blue tint to the skin brought on by lack of oxygen in the blood stream. Fast and shallow breathing can be sign of an oncoming severe attack. A severe decrease in the peak flow numbers.

Any of these symptoms should never be ignored. Even mild symptoms if ignored can develop into more severe symptoms. It is important that emergency medical care be prompt in the severe asthma sufferer if these symptoms appear. Paying close attention to your symptoms and their frequency and severity should be part of the asthmatics treatment plan. Doing so will help your physician more accurately direct his or her plan of action in your treatment. Merely telling your doctor about the symptoms is not enough A written log or record of the symptoms is what is required to properly develop and make adjustments in an ongoing treatment plan.

This log should be as detailed as possible. It should include the following. The singular asthma symptoms and their severity when they occur. The number of night time awakenings or sleep disruptions. This would include when they occur and how often they are spaced apart. Any changes of the use of quick relief medicines. This would include any increase or decrease in their effectiveness and their frequency of use. The number of school days or work days missed and hospital visits. Peak flow numbers should be recorded so that any patterns can be recognized and established. In the end it is you who are responsible for you or your child’s treatment plan.

By Sven Ullmann